For Parents
Prospective students and parents can learn about our school or tour the school facilities in several ways.
Open night
During term 1 each year, we hold an open night to showcase our school, student achievements and specialist programs. We invite the families of all potential students to attend this informative and inspiring event.
School tours
The best way to understand a school is to view it in action. Our principal, David Garrett, holds regular school tours throughout each term. The dates of planned tours are on our web calendar. These tours provide the opportunity to see the school in action on a regular school day.
To book a tour, follow the link to complete a booking request. You will receive an email confirming your place.
School tour booking form
You can also view a 3D virtual tour by following this link
3D virtual tour
Parent handbook
Our parent handbook provides an excellent introduction to our offerings. Take the time to review it to get a general overview of being part of our school community.
Parent handbook
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Follow our social pages to keep up-to-date with school happenings.